ー Street Workout Japan Championship
Street Workout Japan Championshipはストリートワークアウト公式日本大会です。2017年に第1回大会が開催され、全国からストリートワークアウトプレイヤーが集まって「日本一」を決めるため、沖縄に集いました。
Japan Championshipではフリースタイルだけでなく、初心者でも参加できるカテゴリーを用意しています。皆さんの参加をお待ちしています。
Street Workout Japan Championship is the official Street Workout Japan tournament.
The first championship was held in 2017, and street workout players from all over Japan gathered in Okinawa to decide the “Best in Japan”.
Street workout is an urban sport that can be done anytime, anywhere, by anyone, and the basic training can be done in parks or at home. It continues to grow and world championships are held overseas, and the winners of the Japanese championships are eligible to compete in the world championships.
The Championships will have categories for beginners as well as freestyle. We are looking forward to your participation.
ー Street Workout Japan Championship
Street Workout Japan Championshipはストリートワークアウト公式日本大会です。2017年に第1回大会が開催され、全国からストリートワークアウトプレイヤーが集まって「日本一」を決めるため、沖縄に集いました。
Street Workout Japan Championship is the official Street Workout Japan tournament.
The first championship was held in 2017, and street workout players from all over Japan gathered in Okinawa to decide the “Best in Japan”.
Street workout is an urban sport that can be done anytime, anywhere, by anyone, and the basic training can be done in parks or at home. It continues to grow and world championships are held overseas, and the winners of the Japanese championships are eligible to compete in the world championships.
The Championships will have categories for beginners as well as freestyle. We are looking forward to your participation.

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